Monday, January 15, 2018

Robotics world

Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots.
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Creating a robot is pretty hard but many people crated a robot using lego like i have tried I made one and it is pretty easy because it just like your playing a lego toy but the hard part is how you program your creation or your robot.
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It seems pretty easy right but no because in order to make your robot move you need to go through some trial and error to get the perfect program of your robot you need some practices to be a good programer.
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This are the parts of EV3 Robot it has EV3brick,Color sensor,Touch sensor,Ultrasonic sensor,Gyro sensor,Large motor,Medium motor.
The EV3 Brick serves as the control center and power station for your robot or the most important part of your robot if this a computer it is the CPU or the brain of the computer.
Color Sensor
Recognizes seven different colors and measures light intensity it is also important because it use to lead the way of your robot by detecting the colors in front of it.
Touch Sensor
Makes your robot respond to touch, recognizes three conditions: touched, bumped and released it is also use to make your robot not to bump on an object.
Remote Infrared Beacon
Remote controls your robot from a distance, and can also be used as a tracking device for your robots.
IR Sensor
The Infrared Sensor is a digital sensor that can detect infrared light reflected from solid objects. It can also detect infrared light signals sent from the Remote Infrared Beacon.
Large Motor
Lets you program precise and powerful robotic action it is were you put the wheels to make it move
Medium Motor
Maintains precision, while trading some power for compact size and faster responses
Creating a Robot is limitless you can do what you want it is just all about your imagination
Camotes Island
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Camotes Island is a pretty place for tourist spot one thing Camotes became a tourist spot is their beaches and cave system.I have tried going there we need to dive to go to the pool part of the cave.
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This is the cave this cave is called Amazing cave This is one of my favorite because it is cold and it is crystal clear too.
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This is were Daniel jump I think the movie called cant help falling in love with you. We Went to this place by the way this place is called Buho rock resort it is pretty cool you can jumped from the top my brother and uncle jumped and i want to jumped to but my parents said that I'm not allowed to jumped so my uncle said that he will teach swimming just wait for my next blog because i will blog my swimming lessons.

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Every summer we always go to the Camotes Island because the mother of my mother live there I like to go there because there house is right next to the sea.
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Digyo Island,we went to this place and it was pretty scary because it is raining and so cold the waves are so big.Once we reach the Island it was worth it because their is white sand .By the way I tried to steal the sand and one guy saw me he said do not bring the so I said I'm not going to bring this I'm just going to play with it hehehe.
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Busay Falls,me and my family went there and it was a pretty nice place .When I step on the water it was freezing cold then a stay a bit longer and it became more warmer until I dive right in the water it was fun .Then I saw a place were you can jump beside the water fall the jump I think was 7 feet high at the first time I was so scared but once you jump you will feel good and your gonna keep on doing it again and again.
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One day my family went to the busay with out knowing us when they went back I asked them were did you go they said they went to the busay falls I was so upset.Then they send that it was not fun because they saw a snake so I felt good when they say that.
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And that is all I can tell you about my blog.

I started doing swimming lessons when we went to the Camotes Island swimming is a sport swimming is an individual or team sport that uses arms and legs to move the body through water. The sport takes place in pools or open water.
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The First lesson I learn was bubbling it  was pretty easy then I started to do some strokes of freestyle I tried to do a lap but I cant yet do that because I wasn't ready yet.
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At the next day I ate some burger before I swim then once I'm done I'm going to get ready to warm up then I tried to swim I kept going back and fort until I reach the half way.
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At the next day I started early because I want to do a lap again I keep going back and fort until I made a one lap I was so happy when I went home.
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My uncle said that we will transfer to abellana at first I tried to do one lap but I only maid half the way.
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At this time I just keep going back and fort because my uncle gave me a goal I kept doing it until it is dark already i only need four more my uncle said if you can make a lap we will go to the jollibee and eat so what  I did I tried to do one lap I did my best to do it but when I made it half way I said to my self I need to this so that I can eat Jollibee and I made it I was so happy about it.
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And that is all about my swimming experience.